
Oxfordshire County Council - Draft Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

Published: 14 Jul 24

Oxfordshire County Council, in its role as Lead Local Flood Authority for Oxfordshire, and its partner authorities are working together to manage flood risk. A consultation document is available at Let's talk Oxfordshire by searching for Flood Risk Management Strategy Read More...

Reservoir Consultation Community Information Event

Published: 26 Jun 24

Thames Water has commenced its public consultation on the reservoir. The local exhibition will be in Marcham Centre on Thursday 18th July 2.00 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. Read More...

Play Area

Published: 3 Jun 24

The play is temporarily closed and locked, owing to yet more vandalism. Investigations are on going. It will re-open again as soon as possible. The Council apologies for any inconvenience caused. Read More...

Play Area phase 2

Published: 22 May 24

The phase 2 drawings for the play area shown at the annual meeting for electors, are now on display in the village shop. Read More...

Play Area

Published: 15 May 24

Please note vandalism occurred in the play area over the weekend of 11th / 12th May. This has been reported to the Police who are investigating the incident. The equipment has been made safe, but please observe the notices on the gates, and check the play equipment before letting your children play on it. Should you spot any further issues, please contact the Parish Council, either via the clerk, or your local councillor. Read More...

A415 Road Closure

Published: 4 May 24

The A415 between the Mill Rd/North Street cross roads westwards to the Budgens garage at Frilford will be closed between 5.00 to 18.00 hours on 2nd, and 4th to 6th June 2024 to allow for surface dressing and sealing works to the road. Read More...

Annual Parish Meeting 15th May 2024 at 7.30 p.m. in the village hall

Published: 3 May 24

MARCHAM ANNUAL PARISH MEETING Notice is hereby given that this year’s Annual Assembly for the Parish of Marcham is to be held at Marcham Village Hall, Barrow Close, Marcham on Wednesday 15th May 2024 at 7.30 p.m. in the village hall. Select the heading to view the agenda Read More...

Garden Waste Collection

Published: 4 Apr 24

Extra garden waste collection for those with Vale of White Horse District Council brown bins Read More...

CPR/Defibrillator training

Published: 3 Apr 24

A free training session on Sunday 19th May at 10.00 a.m. in Marcham Centre. Bookable places only. Read More...

New Street Names

Published: 11 Mar 24

The Vale of White Horse District Council has now selected the new street names for the 4 new roads within the Bloor Homes housing development south of the A415 Read More...

20 mph speed limit

Published: 14 Feb 24

There has been a delay in the implementation of the 20 mph speed limit in Marcham Read More...

Vale and South Oxfordshire Local Plan

Published: 12 Jan 24

Join the conversation to help shape the future of the Districts Read More...

New Street Names

Published: 9 Jan 24

Suggestions invited for new street names for the new housing development (84 homes) planned for the south of the village. Read More...

Flood Warning

Published: 5 Jan 24

Flood warnings exist for the Vale of White Horse District area. Roads have been closed owing to flooding. Check the websites of Oxfordshire County Council and the Vale of White Horse District Council for regular updates, and that of the Environment Agency for the latest flood map Read More...

Fallen Tree

Published: 3 Jan 24

The Parish Council is aware that a tree has fallen across the permissive path leading from Howard Cornish Road to Cow Lane. It has fallen from the Pye Homes housing development site. Pye Homes Ltd has been advised and is attending to the issue. Read More...

20 mph zones

Published: 2 Jan 24

New 20 mph zones within Marcham should become effective later this month Read More...

Christmas Tree Collection

Published: 2 Jan 24

Real Christmas trees can be disposed of for recycling at local drop off points. Read More...

Casual Vacancies

Published: 2 Jan 24

2 casual vacancies exist on the Council following the resignations of Suzanne Saunter and Warren Brooker. The Council is therefore looking for local people interested in helping shape the future of Marcham, to join in and help manage the parish's facilities. For further information contact the Clerk Read More...

Play Area

Published: 12 Nov 23

The Play area is now fully open following the refurbishment and installation of new equipment Read More...

Remembrance Sunday - road closures

Published: 9 Nov 23

A415 between North Street and Church Street, together with New Road and Church Street will be closed to traffic on Sunday 12th November, 2023 between 10.45 a.m. - 12.15 p.m. approximately, to allow for Remembrance Sunday procession to the war memorial Read More...

Mill Road bridge

Published: 24 Oct 23

Invitation to meet the team that made the re-opening of the bridge and bridleway possible Friday 10th November, 2023 at 1.30 p.m. Read More...

Play Area

Published: 22 Oct 23

The play area is now open. However the roundabout is out of bounds for the time being, and has barrier netting and demarcation tape around it. Please observe the notices and do not access this item until the netting has been officially removed. Read More...

Play Area

Published: 20 Oct 23

Contractors have been working again on the play area and made some adjustments. It is hoped to open the majority of the equipment in the next few days, but the roundabout unfortunately will not be able to be used until a further safety check has been made, and will remain out of bounds for the time being Read More...

Play Area

Published: 14 Oct 23

A further inspection of the play area has taken place, and unfortunately there are still some issues with the site. The Council is trying to get these resolved as quickly as possible, and would ask that residents bear with us until the site is safe to open. Read More...

Mill Road - Bridleway 17

Published: 14 Oct 23

Works on the bridleway bridge are very close to completion, and the Council has been informed by the landowner's architect that it will be open again for public to cross it from the middle of next week. Read More...

Bridleway 17 Mill Road

Published: 10 Oct 23

Clearance works on the bridleway south of Mill Road bridge are now complete Read More...

Play Area

Published: 10 Oct 23

Adjustments have been made to the new play area equipment, and a further safety inspection is due to take place Wed. 11th October. It is hoped that the play area can be open fairly soon, provided no further safety issues are found Read More...

Notice of Casual Vacancy

Published: 27 Sep 23

Public Notice is given that owing to the resignation of Suzanne Saunter a vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor. The vacancy will be filled by election if within fourteen working days any ten local government electors for the parish submit a written request to the Returning Officer, Vale of White Horse District Council, Abbey House, Abingdon OX134 3JE. In computing these fourteen days mentioned above you disregard a Saturday, Sunday, or bank holiday or day appointed for Public Thanksgiving or Mourning. The date of the poll will be specified in the notice of election published by the Returning Officer. If no such request is made the vacancy will be filled by Co-option by the Parish Council. Read More...

Play Area

Published: 25 Sep 23

Inspections have now taken place of the new play area. Some issues have been found with the equipment, and the Parish Council met with the contractor today. The issues are being resolved as quickly as possible, and it is hoped that it will not be too long before the site can be opened. We ask that you please respect that the gates are locked and do not go into the site until it is declared safe to do so. Read More...

Play Area

Published: 14 Sep 23

The renovation to the play area is almost complete, with the final inspection taking place next week to ensure that it is safe and ready to use. It does look very exciting, and we realise residents are keen to use it, but please do not access the site until the Council has formally re-opened the area. Read More...

Mill Road - Bridleway 17

Published: 16 Aug 23

Contractors are now on site, and works have started to repair the Mill Road bridge (bridleway 17). Works are likely to take quite a few weeks, but due to the age and condition of the structure, the actual timescale is dependent on how things progress. The County Council and Parish Council thank everyone for their patience whilst all relevant issues were being resolved Read More...

Play Area

Published: 9 Aug 23

The play area will be closed from Monday 14th August, 2023 for a temporary period to allow for the removal of old play equipment, and the installation of some new items, inside the fenced area. We thank you for your understanding. It will re-open as soon as possible Read More...

Bridleway Modification Order

Published: 4 Jul 23

Oxfordshire County Council has confirmed a modification Order under s. 53 Wildlife & Access to the Countryside Act 1981 for Bridleway 3. This is a change to the rights of way network. Read More...

20 mph for Marcham

Published: 28 Jun 23

As part of the countywide programme to deliver a safer place with a safer pace, the County Council is proposing to introduce a 20 mph scheme for most roads in the parish. For more information and to see the plans please go to and look for Marcham in the highway traffic regulation and public notices section. The deadline for receipt of comments is 21st July. Read More...

Mill Road Bridleway 17

Published: 26 Jun 23

Repairs to the Mill Road bridge (bridleway 17) are due to start late July. The works are estimated to take 4-6 weeks. The timescale however, is dependent on what is found once the repairs have started, as the structure is several hundred years old Read More...

Cemetery Grass Update

Published: 18 Jun 23

The Council apologises for the long grass in the cemetery in recent times, but unknown to the Council its contractor had suddenly ceased trading. A new firm has been instructed, (the same firm that cuts the Frilford Road recreation ground), and the grass was cut on 13th June. The grass will continue to be cut by the new firm for the remainder of the season. Read More...

Climate Action Fund Grants

Published: 18 Jun 23

The Vale of White Horse District Council has opened its second round of funding for Climate Action Fund grants. The deadline for applications for the next round of funding is 14th July. Further information is on the District Council's website. Read More...

Cemetery Grass

Published: 2 Jun 23

The Council is very aware of the exceptionally long grass in the Cemetery. It has brought in a new contractor on an urgent basis, whilst it investigates why the grass was not cut recently, particularly after successful frequent mowing at the start to the season. Update - A new contractor will be cutting the cemetery in the week commencing 12th June. Read More...

Annual Meeting for Electors

Published: 10 May 23

The annual meeting for electors will take place on Wed. 24th May, 2023 in the village hall. Reports will be given from the local council, Vale DC, the County Council and Marcham School. Updates too on the Neighbourhood Plan, and new Play Area. Refreshments provided. Please attend and hear what is happening in your parish Read More...

Eurovision Ticket Ballot

Published: 3 Apr 23

Ukranian guests are able to enter a ballot for tickets to Eurovision. Further information at Application deadline 4.00 p.m. Thursday 6th April. Read More...

Mill Road Bridleway bridge

Published: 16 Mar 23

Plans are progressing with the aim of delivering the repairs to the bridge this Spring. Issues which delayed the project last autumn have been addressed, and project delivery meetings have recommenced. The final construction plans are currently being considered by Oxfordshire County Council, and once approved, they will firm up the delivery programme. Residents will be further advised once the works programme is set. Read More...

Oxfordshire County Council

Published: 13 Mar 23

Consultation is taking place on a proposed bus stop clearway at the start of Howard Cornish Road near the A415. See - _howardcornish_busclearways2023 Read More...

Recycling Centres

Published: 7 Mar 23

Oxfordshire County Council is closing the local Drayton recycling centre on Thursday 30th and Friday 31st March for deep cleaning and essential maintenance Read More...


Published: 2 Mar 23

There will be Parish Council elections on Thursday 4th May 2023. 10 seats are available. Any local person, keen to be part of a team representing the community, and to contribute to local decision making, can find out more about being a candidate, on the Electoral Commission website, or contact the Clerk or existing local Councillor. Read More...

New Play Area

Published: 1 Mar 23

The Council is seeking views on the proposals for new play equipment. Please go to the Recreation tab for information, and submit your comments Read More...

Thames Water

Published: 3 Jan 23

Thames Water is carrying out consultation into its Water Resources Management Plan 2024. Consultation is open until 21st March 2023 Read More...

A415 Consultation

Published: 6 Dec 22

Extension of 30 mph limit eastwards on the A415 Read More...

Casual Vacancy

Published: 9 Nov 22

A casual vacancy exists for a councillor on Marcham Parish Council. Should anyone be interested in joining to support the work in the parish, then please contact the clerk for information Read More...

Parishioner of the Year

Published: 18 Oct 22

Awards go to Neil Rowe and Jim Asher

Cow Lane Allotments

Published: 18 Oct 22

Government advice for avian flu

Remembrance Sunday

Published: 18 Oct 22

Road Closures


Published: 18 Oct 22


Council's Accounts 2022

Published: 30 Sep 22

The audit of the Council's accounts for the year 2021-2022 has now been completed. Read More...

Stagecoach Bus Service S8

Published: 5 Jan 22

Since 2nd January 2022 the Stagecoach bus service S8 has been replaced by a Thames Travel service X1 Read More...

Arboricultural Report

Published: 5 Jan 22

The Council has commissioned an arboricultural report on the land that it owns in Harding Way. Read More...